"No matter how much you think you hate school, you will still miss it when you leave."
This is so true...
haha.. yeah.
When holiday come, you'll shout : "Hurray!!! Holiday!!"
Yeah, I'm happy too..
But during holiday, you'll get bored..
I'd get bored..
Hoping there's that i could go..
Instead, when school is going to again,
"No matter how much you think you hate holiday, you will miss it when it leave."
Am i right?
Maybe some of you don't agree. haha..
I agree..
Anyway, it's a long time since i updated my last blog.
Now, holiday is going to finish..
I never did anything studies, exercises, learning during these two week holidays..
well, feeling guilty..
What i did during is just watching tv, listening to music, online, sleeping...
2 event i did making me feel happy!
1. Penang trip 1/6/2011
2. Yan's house 7/6/2011
I'm happy!!
yeah, I'm kinda busy right now, gotta shut down..
so, bye!
Oh yeah! tomorrow is Yi Qing's make up party!
I'm so excited! A different , special party!!
I'll update my blog about it tomorrow , if i could..